Thanks to our loyal customers!

  • Store Hours

    Monday -CLOSED

    Tuesday-9:00am - 4:30pm

    Wednesday- 9:00am - 4:30pm

    Thursday -9:00am - 4:30pm

    Friday -9:00am - 4:30pm

    Saturday- 10:00am -3.00PM


    Phone 718-761-9600

  • My family absolutely loves supreme chocolatier! They have so much to choose from for all different taste buds. I love to fill my kids Easter baskets and Christmas stockings with their treats that I know they will love. I also pick up some treats any time I’m going to a family gathering and always get asked where it is from. I love to get creative and bake and when I do, I always use their Chocolate melt! All around amazing quality.


  • The chocolate tastes great. It is wrapped in imaginative foil paper, and I come back every Easter to load up on chocolate Ladybugs, Kittens, Parrots, Eggs, Bunnies, Cats, and lots of other cute things. It reminds me more of the German Easter chocolates of my childhood. The store is huge, so it’s never too crowded, an, as I mentioned, it’s quality chocolate!


 For over 100 years the Superior family has offered delicious chocolate treats including a range of delicious enrobed and molded chocolate products, using only the finest ingredient.

We proudly produce our products in Staten Island, NY where you can find our retail location. If you can’t stop in to try our treats, don’t worry… you’ve come to the right place. Shop here on our website for a variety of our product offerings!